All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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1 book by Amy Thomson

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by Amy Thomson
On Thalassa, storytelling is Teller's life. With the great sea-beast to whom she is telepathically bonded, she travels Thalassa's many oceans. But Teller has a secret--and when her young apprentice discovers it, he will be changed profoundly.
Protagonist is gay, another main character is a sex/gender-changing alien. World is combination of Mediterranian cultures.
gay, genderqueer, Middle East, Hispanic, North Africa 2003 Adult

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gay lesbian
bisexual asexual
transgender nonbinary
genderqueer race
setting queered culture
multiple culture all-female
disability poly
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intersex aromantic

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Books Anthologies Comics

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Fantasy Science Fiction Superhero Mixed Genre

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YA Adult Middle Grade

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